Monday, February 16, 2015


Dream is something that all of us need to have. It is our vision. Dream is what you want to do for your future. I believe that having a great dream, is a must to us. And I have a big dream.
Now, here I am my senior year in high school without any idea of what I want to do. Now seems to be the time to start taking life seriously and making responsible, educated choices. Now I come to a crossroad in my life where I choose what to do with my future, choose what will make me happy. My plans for the future is having a great job with a loving family who's willing to support me in my good and bad times.. But now I realize that there are so many other steps I need to take in order to achieve these so-called goals. . This includes graduating from high school and college, finding that special someone, and finding that perfect job. I have begun to realize that I have yet to begin my life; everything up until now has been practice, as if I have been in a cage and it is only now that I am beginning to break free and do things for myself. I must work really hard to give my kids a better future so it will be easier for them to concentrate more in school, because without education there's really no future for anyone. . I want to be satisfied with my decisions, to be able to accept and forgive, and most of all to be able to live up to the expectations I have for myself. . I will only accomplish my goal in being happy when I am able to live my life for myself and still able to provide love and support to others.
Like I said before, it is very important to have a big dream. It is not wrong. Even if you cannot achieve if, just make it as your vision. Dream can help you to prepare to face this challenging world. What am I going through now is just the start. I just find the keys. I am still trying to open the door. When I finally did, I will not hesitate.

Kannawidan Ylocos festival

    Kannawidan Ylocos Festival is the official Festival of the Province of Ilocos Sur.    So, what is its essence for the people, the traders, and in the community?

    For the people, Kannawidan is one way for them to experience, know, learn, and love the different cuisines, cultures, traditions, and exhibits of their own province, of their own place. This festivity has a great impact to the people for it shows how their province lived and lives. The activity creates a magnificent  influence that pulls people together in one area of the province and makes an amalgamating once in a year experience as traders all over the province and all over the Philippines showcase their wide array of reasonably priced products.

     For traders, Kannawidan is a place, an activity and a way of how their living worked and works. Kannawidan is  a place for showcasing products like furniture, horticultures, crafts, cuisines, the province’s OTOP, and products coming from external towns and/or provinces. Kannawidan is an activity that unites dealers/merchants to one place and create a market of beauty, food, and creativity.

     For the community, Kannawidan is  the best place to enjoy nature’s gifts, it is the best place to create a coalescing community. Kannawidan is a place for showcasing talents, brains, beauties, and the creative hospitality that we, Filipinos, especially Ilocanos have

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Essence of Christmas

          Christmas is not about the Savior's infancy; it is about His deity. The humble birth of Jesus Christ was never intended to conceal the reality that God was being born into the world.
But the modern world's version of Christmas does just that. And consequently for the greater part of humanity, Christmas has no legitimate meaning at all.

In today’s day and time, it is easy to lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. Amidst the delicious meals, sweet drinks, lovely songs & dances, beautiful friends & family members we would come across this season, let’s try not to forget about the child, born on a winter night so cold, whose bed was made only of hay & animal food; our lord Jesus Christ, who taught us all what real, genuine & unconditional love is. As we celebrate the birth of our saviour, let’s be human & kind enough to remember & show some love to those motherless babies, helpless orphans, hospital patients, prisoners, beggars & all those who are not fortunate enough to be actively involved in the celebration of the birth of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
Happy Christmas. - See more at:
In today’s day and time, it is easy to lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. Amidst the delicious meals, sweet drinks, lovely songs & dances, beautiful friends & family members we would come across this season, let’s try not to forget about the child, born on a winter night so cold, whose bed was made only of hay & animal food; our lord Jesus Christ, who taught us all what real, genuine & unconditional love is. As we celebrate the birth of our saviour, let’s be human & kind enough to remember & show some love to those motherless babies, helpless orphans, hospital patients, prisoners, beggars & all those who are not fortunate enough to be actively involved in the celebration of the birth of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
Happy Christmas. - See more at:
In today’s day and time, it is easy to lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. Amidst the delicious meals, sweet drinks, lovely songs & dances, beautiful friends & family members we would come across this season, let’s try not to forget about the child, born on a winter night so cold, whose bed was made only of hay & animal food; our lord Jesus Christ, who taught us all what real, genuine & unconditional love is. As we celebrate the birth of our saviour, let’s be human & kind enough to remember & show some love to those motherless babies, helpless orphans, hospital patients, prisoners, beggars & all those who are not fortunate enough to be actively involved in the celebration of the birth of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
Happy Christmas. - See more at:
   The Christmas of the present is not what it used to be. What once was a delightful, Christmas caroling time is now a chaotic, screaming in someone's face nightmare. Relatives avoid each other for fear of actually reliving bad childhood family moments. Christmas is also the time that you will spent the time of each other and give love and joy for everyone.
In today’s day and time, it is easy to lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. Amidst the delicious meals, sweet drinks, lovely songs & dances, beautiful friends & family members we would come across this season, let’s try not to forget about the child, born on a winter night so cold, whose bed was made only of hay & animal food; our lord Jesus Christ, who taught us all what real, genuine & unconditional love is. As we celebrate the birth of our saviour, let’s be human & kind enough to remember & show some love to those motherless babies, helpless orphans, hospital patients, prisoners, beggars & all those who are not fortunate enough to be actively involved in the celebration of the birth of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
Happy Christmas. - See more at:

English Month Celebration

          Today, English is used widely. It has become the most popular language of communication between countries and in many fields of human endeavor. So it is important that we learn to use English. Otherwise we will be at a disadvantage.
          The only effective way of improving my English is to use it, as often as possible.
In school, the only time when English is used is during English lessons. That certainly is not enough. So wherever possible I speak English with some friends and teachers who will or can speak English with me.
Reading book, magazines and newspapers are good ways of improving my English. On the whole they are grammatically correct. We may speak incorrect English and get away with it. Not so with printed words, they have to be correct. Through reading, I learned how to use correct English in writing and speaking, though at times I still speak the broken English that many of us speak here.
Watching television and listening to the radio are two more ways of improving my English. English as it is spoken by the English, Americans, Malaysians and others are distinctly different.
          So I continue to use English, that is, hear, read, speak and write it. Some of my friends only hear and read it. They can hardly speak or write it, but I will not be like them. I will try my best to master it.   

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Equal Rights, Equal Opportunties

Human rights are moral principles or norms that describe certain standards of human behaviour, and are regularly protected as legal rights in national and international law. They are commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights "to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being," and which are "inherent in all human beings regardless of their nation, location, language, religion, ethnic origin or any other status.
Equal opportunity is a stipulation that all people should be treated similarly, unhampered by artificial barriers or prejudices or preferences, except when particular distinctions can be explicitly justified.  The aim according to this often complex and contested concept is that important jobs should go to those “most qualified” – persons most likely to perform ably in a given task – and not go to persons for arbitrary or irrelevant reasons, such as circumstances of birth, upbringing, friendship ties to whoever is in power, religion, sex, ethnicity, race, caste, or involuntary personal attributes such as disability, age, gender, or sexual orientation. Chances for advancement should be open to everybody interested such that they have “an equal chance to compete within the framework of goals and the structure of rules established.” The idea is to remove arbitrariness from the selection process and base it on some “pre-agreed basis of fairness, with the assessment process being related to the type of position, and emphasizing procedural and legal means. Individuals should succeed or fail based on their own efforts and not extraneous circumstances such as having well-connected parents. It is opposed to nepotism and plays a role in whether a social structure is seen as legitimate.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


     Intramurals are fun recreational, social and competitive on-campus sports activities. These are designed with the everyday athlete, just like us, in mind. This is a great opportunity for us to have some fun and to try that new sport we've always wanted to learn! We have everything from the traditional sports like soccer, basketball, tennis and volleyball.It's easy to get involved. For team sports it's best to put our own team together. What better way is there to have fun with our friends or to meet new people? Put some signs up in our department, or inviting people to play on to our team.

     Intramurals is about participation, interaction, and staying active and having fun. The sports offered are organized for friendly, fun competition and are not meant to be as competitive as Varsity sports.

     It Help us provide with a rewarding recreational experience by sharing our ideas and encouraging others to be active.Today, "intramural" tournaments are still organized within a specific community or municipal area, between teams of equivalent age or athletic ability.For most schools and campuses, intramural sports are used to promote wellness to students

Science Month Celebration


       There are a lot of things that help people and the world to have a better future. And these things contribute towards the growth and development of youth to have a better life.

Do we know all these things? Are they some sort of computers with internet that give us enough information? Are they teachers who teach us about many things, to help our brains do better? But what about science, technology, and innovation, which leads to a great skill?
Science, technology, and innovation play a vital role in every sphere of life, and education is no exception. Their advent has deeply struck the educational scene.They have certainly changed the way we live. They have struck different facets of life and redefined living. Many new gadgets like computers, laptops, cell phones, IPods, and electric vehicles help us improve our skills and knowledge, and they give us lots of information. Many complex and critical processes can be carried out with ease and greater efficiency with the help of modern technology and innovation.

They provide greater interest in learning. The use of modern technology has made the process of teaching and learning enjoyable.Since we live in a technology-age, it’s important for us to be abreast with the latest inventions and innovations that lead to a better life.